Best water enhancers: Review of electrolyte powder and drops

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When it comes to the best water enhancers, there may be a number of reasons to use them. It could be that you want to drink more water and flavor helps it go down easier. Maybe you like flavored water but want to save money and cut down on waste. Or maybe you’re like me and realized that you needed to do a better job replacing fluids and electrolytes after exercising.

A woman enjoying her favorite water enhancer while listening to music on the beach.
Photo credit: YayImages.

Definition of water enhancers

So, what exactly are water enhancers? They are flavorings that you add to water to make it taste more like juice or any other drink you like.

However, in many instances these enhancers have a lot less sugar than store-bought drinks, such as sodas. You could say that they’re comparable to lower-calorie drinks from a cafe or coffee shop, such as Starbucks Refreshers, but with a much less expensive price tag.

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How I discovered different kinds of water enhancers

One day, during a Peloton Power Zone cycling class, the instructor talked about using Nuun Sport to stay hydrated. If you’ve ever taken a spin class that leaves you dripping with sweat, then you know how important it is to stay hydrated.

Not long after that, my daughter Annie, a hardcore fitness enthusiast and athlete, introduced me to the Liquid IV electrolyte drink mix. Finally, a friend told me about Stur, fruit-flavored water enhancer drops that you add to plain water.

A woman staying hydrated while exercising on a treadmill and using the best water enhancers.
Photo credit: YayImages.

Electrolytes explained

According to Cedars Sinai, “Electrolytes are essential minerals — like sodium, calcium and potassium — that are vital to many key functions in the body.” Lots of hydration products claim to include electrolytes. But only by reading ingredient labels can you tell if this is true.

For example, the Liquid IV label includes at least two mentions of salt or sodium plus potassium. Nuun mentions sodium and calcium on its nutrition facts label.

“You get the added benefit of replacing sodium and potassium lost during exercise over just water alone,” said Ryan Horton of Horton Barbell regarding Liquid IV. “Personally, I also like that I don’t have to waste plastic bottles.”

Testing water enhancers

I knew it was time to check out these three different water enhancers. In addition to taste-testing them, I needed to try them out during and after exercise.

You can buy all of these products at most major retailers. However, thanks to my Amazon Prime membership, I could order them online and get them delivered within 48 hours. Let the taste testing begin.

Water enhancer flavors I chose

A spinning bike with a bottle of sunscreen and other items, including the best water enhancers, on it.
Photo credit: Leah Ingram.

I wanted to buy the same or similar flavors of each product. That way, I felt I could do a better side-by-side review. Unfortunately, there were no apples-to-apples options available when I did my shopping. This is what I got:

  • Liquid IV Hydration Powder Electrolyte Supplements in Grape
  • Nuun Hydration Sport Drink Vegan Tabs in Fruit Punch
  • Stur Liquid Water Enhancer Classic Variety Pack

Making my enhanced water drinks

Each of these products comes packaged differently. Liquid IV is a powder in a long, skinny packet — kind of like if you’ve ever made a single serving of Crystal Light. You add water and stir.

On the other hand, Nuun comes in a plastic cylinder with a flip top. These are effervescent tablets that dissolve in water. Once it dissolves, your water is flat, not fizzy. Note: you can buy Nuun as a powder, too.

Finally, Stur sells squeeze bottles of flavored liquid. You’re supposed to add one squirt per 8 ounces of liquid. Then, give your water bottle a good shake, and you’re good to go.

Because of the different delivery systems, the Nuun and Stur drinks were easiest to make. The Nuun tablet dissolved quickly. Same with the Stur drops — I could drink it immediately.

On the other hand, because I hadn’t stirred the Liquid IV enough, I got a big blob of powder with my first drink via a straw. Blech. That’s one of the drawbacks of drinking with a straw. If an electrolyte powder settles to the bottom of your water bottle and you don’t mix it well enough, then you’re going to get a disproportionate amount of flavor.

The same thing happens when I order flavored iced coffee. If the barista hasn’t done a sufficient job stirring, I’ll stick my straw in, take a sip and all I taste is the flavored syrup. Again, blech.

Testing each product during a Peloton class

My taste test occurred over three 45-minute Peloton spin classes, taken within a few days of each other. Each time, I used a water bottle that held 20 ounces of liquid. On the first ride, I added the Nuun fruit punch tablet to my water bottle.

The next day, I added the Liquid IV grape powder to my water bottle and mixed well. I didn’t want to be choking on unmixed and undissolved powder during the ride.

Finally, a few days later, I used the Stur liquid. I chose the strawberry watermelon drops to add to my water.

Overall thoughts on the best water enhancers

All of the drinks were delicious, though the Liquid IV grape tasted the best. To be fair, of all three water enhancers, only Liquid IV uses real sugar as a sweetener. There is a sugar-free version, but I didn’t try that. Stur and Nuun use Stevia leaf as a sweetener.

The Nuun flavor was crisp and light, so pleasant to drink. However, after the ride, I continued to crave water and didn’t feel like it had rehydrated me.

After drinking 20 ounces of water with Liquid IV, I wasn’t thirsty until hours later when I had lunch. The Liquid IV really did a good job of keeping me feeling full and hydrated. Also, the mouthfeel of Liquid IV reminded me of drinking Vitamin Water, which was part of my colonoscopy prep.

Finally, Stur left me feeling hydrated and not at all thirsty or craving more water. Plus, my mouth didn’t feel dry, which is what happens when I need more fluids.

So, based on my very unscientific taste test, what would I tell you are the best water enhancers? Definitely, Liquid IV, if you don’t mind sugar. However, if you prefer Stevia for a sweetener, then I would recommend Stur. Since Nuun comes in powdered form, maybe I should try it again in the future that way. But for now, it’s not at the top of my list.

Leah Ingram is the author of 15 books, including “Suddenly Frugal: How to Live Happier and Healthier for Less.” She shares content related to Peloton on her blog called PeloZone.

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