Do you aspire to have a neat and tidy linen closet of bed sheets and blankets?

The first step is learning how to fold a fitted sheet, something many people never learned.

When you know how to fold a fitted sheet, you can make your bedding look like it was from a hotel.

Start by turning your fitted sheet inside out and holding it the long ways. Have one hand in each corner.

Next, bring your hands together like prayer hands so the corners meet. Then, fold one hand over the other to nest the corners. 

Repeat with the remaining corners, until your sheet looks like a rectangle.

Now, place the sheet on a flat surface and fold in thirds until you have a long, neat rectangle.

Now, fold the sheet in thirds again until you're left with a neat square. Voila, you've folded a fitted sheet.

For more tips on how to fold a fitted sheet to neated up your linen closet, tap "Learn More" below to read the full article.